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 In this page, I present to you the unedited, original version of some of the feedback's sent by my friends, visitors and relatives through email, Whatsapp and other platforms. As an artist I feel really encouraged receiving these feedbacks be it criticism or appreciation. So please feel free to express your thoughts through this page and I would love to hear from you...

A testimonial by the lady whom I admired - KamnaMrs. Kamna
00:00 / 01:19
Mr. Rafi appreciation for Golden Gang kavithaiMr.Rafi
00:00 / 01:35
Mr. Moulee appreciation on Death is very cruel kavithaiMr.Moulee
00:00 / 01:08
Mr. Rafis appreciation on Death is very cruel kavithaiMr. Rafi
00:00 / 03:53

The following unedited comments and feedback are for the An event in my family - Unseen and Unheard (BLOG_). Click here to read the blog. Thanks for the overwhelming response you gave for this blog which is very close to my heart.

Mr. Kanna (my brother) - An event in my family

My dearest brother……you have not only left any stones unturned but unearthed many incidents which I am both proud of and also a bit ashamed of(crying on the first day of school despite if extravagant celebration) What a fantastic ‘summary of all details’.


Brought tears and joy. I am very proud of you. I always cherish both the good times and tough times we had growing up and will cherish till my last breath. Well done to the power of infinity .


I understand that Chithi(my mums younger sister) and Raji (my cousin sister) and Natesh (cousin brother) who has contributed to this as well by sharing their stories with my brother. My humble salutations and namaskarams to them

Mrs. Lalitha Vasudevan (my chithi) - An event in my family

ரா ஜா  Bb kannas first day in school  மகிழ்ச்சி /கண்ணீருக்கிடையில் படித்தேன். உலகத்திலே யாருக்கும் கிடைக்காதபேறு நம் கண்ணாக்கு கிடைத்தது அதை யாவரும்நம்பமுடியாத இப்படியும் நடந்திருக்குமா வென்று ஆச்சிரியப்பட்ட மூன்று காலத்திற்குப் பொருந்தும் ஒரு நிகழ்ச்சி 29.9.1971 அன்று திருவல்லிக்கேணி Big st .Pilliyar கோவிலில் நடந்து என்ன நெரிசலான busy யான சாலை phycrafts road. தெருவில் இருந்தவருக்கெல்லாம் ஆச்சரியம். எங்களை கேள்விகளால் துளைத்தெடுத்து விட்டனர் நாங்களும் என் அக்காவின் பையனை பள்ளியில் சேர்க்கும்  நிகழ்ச்சி என்று பெருமையுடன் சொன்னோம்.அனைவரும் குழந்தை பெற்றோறை வாழ்த்தினர்.


 ஆனால் அவர் தான் வரும் விஜயதசமிக்கு இல்லை. அவர் ஆசியில் கண்ணா மனைவி குழந்தைகளுடன் ஆ  ஸ்திரேலியாவில் ரொம்ப நன்றாக இருக்கிறான்.God bless to all. 1971 க்கு பிறகு எந்த தாய் தந்தை இது போல் ஒரு திருவிழா நம் குழந்தைகளுக்கும் நடத்த வேண்டும் என்று ஆசைப்பட்டார்க

உன்னுடய ஆசை ஆர்வத்திற்கு ரொம்ப பெருமை படுகிறேன். அரை நூற்றாணடு ஆகிவிட்டதல்லவா எனக்கும் நிகழ்வுகள் மறந்துவிட்டது. அன்று 29th sep. அடைந்த மகிழ்ச்சியும் கலந்த பெருமைதான் மனதில் உள்ளது

On 29th,1971 அந்த நாள் எங்களால் மறக்கவேயியலாது. இப்போ அதை சொன்னால் நாங்கள் மிகைபடத்தி சொல்லதாக தெரியும். அன்று Mufftiameerull sahib St., Pycrafts Road, Big St.Nursery school Triplicane  விழாக்கோலம் பூண்டிருந்தது. யாராலும் நம்ப முடியாத இதுபோல் ஒரு நிதழ்வு உண்மையிலே நடந்திருக்குமா என்று வியப்படையும்படி நடந்து இந்நிகழ்ச்சியைப் பார்த்தவர் தன்குழந்தைக்கும் நடக்க வேண்டுமென மனதில் நினைத்திருப்பார்கள்.

அந்த நிகழ்ச்சிதான் நாங்கள் கண்குளிர வியபபுடன் பார்த்த து. அரை நூற்றாண்டுக்குமேல் ஆகிவீட்டதால் முழுவதும் நினைவிலில்லை 

கண்ணா என்ன நடக்கிறது என்று அறியாமல் பெருமிதத்துடன்  Fly moouth காரில் உட்கார்ந்திருக்க சுற்றிலும் நாங்கள் மகிழ்வுடன் வர நாதஸ்வர இ சயுடன் திருமண ஊர்வல அழைப்புபோலிருந்து 

இந்நிகழ்சியை பற்றி சொல்ல வேண்டுமானல் மூன்று காலத்திற்கும் பொருந்தும். அப்பாவின் ஆசைபடி     "மகன் தந்தைக்காற்றும் உதவி  என்ற குறளின் வழி தந்தையின் கனவை குழந்தைகள் மூவரும் நிறைவேற்றி அவர்களின் ஆசிகள் கிடைக்க இறைவனை பிராத்திக்கிறேன்

இது நடந்தது உண்மை அன்று நாங்கள் நேரில் கண்டு களித்தது உண்மை. யாராலும் நம்ப இயலாது..மூன்று காலத்திலும் பொருத்திப்பார்த்தாலும் நம்பவே முடியாது.எல்லோரும் மிகைப்படுத்தி நீ எழுதியிருப்பதாக நினைக்கலாம். ஆனால் அன்று M.Sahib st, Pycrafts Rd. Big St. and. Nursery school.Triplicane. நடந்தது நான் சாட்சி.

மூவருக்கும் அம்மா அப்பா பெர்யவர்கள் உறவினர்கள் இறைவன் ஆசிகள் கிடைக்க  வாழ்த்துகள் !

Mr. Moulee - An event in my family

My comments below.

1. Your uncle is not kidding or flattering you baselessly when he showers you with choice words of praise, Raja, for you are very deserving of them.

2. ⁠புலிக்கப்பிறந்தது பூனையாகுமா? ஆகாது! அதனால் 
Ramya's experience on her first day of school was  nothing less than par excellence due to you and the Madam. No surprises there. புலிக்கு பிறந்தது பூனையாகுமா?? 😄

3. The photos in this post add a deeper level of warmth that penetrates the reader's mind and body. I felt my heart glowing with warmth as I read your delightful words describing things that you hold so near and dear to you. Your father, oh my, what a dapper dude!

4. During a time in our culture, when the first time a boy/man rode in a car might have been only during one's MaappillAi azahippu, unless his parents were very wealthy, how wonderful is it that KaNNa rode in a Plymouth to his first day of school, even if the Plymouth be an imaginary one. While not directly related, I am reminded of the "Ox Ford" joke from the movie Gandhi and the lines, "...drove my Chevy to the Levy, but the Levy was dry...", from Don McLean's fabulous oldie "American Pie".

5. How many non-twins can claim that they graduated from the same school-class, in the same year? You and KaNNa are blessed to have this great opportunity.

6. ⁠And, you all were again united in another continent (and possibly in an island too) again, with your elder brother "waiting" for you. What a blissful occurrence!

In conclusion, I want to applaud you on your prosaic skills and express my heartfelt thanks to you for letting me preview your work, before publication - what an honor!

Your article(s) always warms the reader's heart and I am glad I got to relish this wonderful warmth through you. Thank you da.

Mr. Raj - An event in my family

Raja I am just shocked and surprised to read your blog. I even doubt really if anything like this could have happened which I have not heard until now and now I realize that there are lots of untold hidden memories in your heart. 

I always amaze with writing skill too good with so many complex words and had to open the dictionary to see for some words you used. Hats off to your Govindaraja mama for his wonderful review.
Truly speechless and I am taking a print of this blog to read it a few times and even frame it. Tears are in my eyes as I write this and I can imagine your feelings to put this in words. So much of love by your father makes me emotional.

Very shocking climax and feld sad that the blog ended so quickly. You could write a book with your skills. You made to visually see the event in your writing and the photo selection. More photos will be good but know that you do not have it. All the best and this is definitely a tribute to your brother and parents. Appreciate your relatives and friends of your parents. I can only say that your father must have done so many things for him to be so popular.

I could not wait even a minute and that is why sending this feedback. There may be errors and I studied only in Tamil medium so do not bother them. I know now you got a lot of your fathers qualities.

Mr. Sriram - An event in my family

I went through the blog meticulously. It is very very interesting especially Big B going in decorated Plymouth car to attend his first day of school,which we have heard in mappilai ayzappu.
Further you both brothers being in same class is unheard of truly.

It is wonderfully written and straightway can be published. I have also gone through dear Ramya's first day to school blog and fondly remembered your mother and love for Ramya.

Mr. Mani - An event in my family

Oh… Ramya’s first day at school… I knew that I knew that right when it was out. I think even in the last few years, once I mentioned to you that it was such a wonderful piece of writing from you that you and your family will cherish forever. I think I even have it saved in my Documents in my PC all these years.


Started with the wonderful cheering and praising by your Mama. His words clearly brought his joyous feeling to us, right?


I took a lot time reading the blog slowly as I was fully into visualizing those days and your family, as I continued reading.  Right from the first mention about your Dad in the blog, a mild sad feeling set in me because I had known that he passed way so early in his and your life.  Had he lived a full life, oh what a fortune and much happier years it could have been for your entire family.

Kanna’s first day at school was so nice to read but I felt it ended too soon. And again the note that said father passed away in eight months from then made me feel sad and abrupt.

Ohohohoooo… what an experience for you and Kanna to be in the same class and in the same school for 14 years. So he is more of a friend, companion than Annan. Yes never heard of. How come you never happened to tell me this. Did Gururaj know this since long time?


It was a joyous experience seeing a part of the life of your wonderful family through your writing, which is always so rich and interesting.👍👍


You are a wonderful person Raja.

Mr. Raju - An event in my family

அருமையான உரைநடையில் தங்கள் தந்தையையும்  தமையனாரின் முதல் பள்ளி நுழைவு அனுபவத்தினையும் நினைவு கூர்ந்து வெளியிட்டுள்ளீர்கள்.. பணி சிறக்க வாழ்த்துக்கள்..

Mr. Ramalingam - An event in my family

A wonderful narrative
Brought all the events on that days in front of eyes to visualise retrospectively

Mr. Devan - An event in my family

Beautiful narration da Raja. Such memories are always cherished & become unforgettable. A very nice & nostalgic look into the past. Great effort.

Mr. Bharat Sanghrajka - An event in my family 

Hi 🤴 
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog - “An event in my family - Unheard and Unseen”  which fully replays the event of your elder sibling’s first day in school and embellished by photographs capturing the rare and unseen event ( till now).


The pic of your brother sitting in the liveried Plymouth car next to the liveried chauffeur surrounded by family is memorable indeed.  The events thereafter ( especially how both brothers came to study in the same class) are described fascinatingly.


Since then I have reread the blog many times and look forward to “many more skeletons tumbling out of the cupboard”! It also opens up the debate on nuclear or joint family !!!
With Best Wishes


Bharat Sanghrajka 

Mr. Rama Chandran - An event in my family

Raja’s Blog is super
Narrating the entire life right from the childhood is super
Since I am from a village in kumbakonam taluk I fully aware of the celebration 
All were treated as prince and princess 
This is a good 
மலரும் நினைவுகள்
Thanks for sharing 
Excellent episode 


Mrs. Priya Radhakrishnan - An event in my family

Hello Raja excellent write up of your late uncle Govindaraja Mama. Very very touching one too. Became emotional.


Very very surprising to see the pics taken when Your elder brother went to school on first day in plymouth car decorated with marigold flowers. Superb. And the school group pic is wonderful.


Really sad to know your loving father passed aeay when you were  school kids. Really sad. Kudos to your dear mother who brought you all up so nicely. A treasure to be cherished Raja. Wonderful poetic language.


Superb. Thanks for sharing Raja. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😍

Mrs. Anusha Janakiraman - An event in my family

Wonderfully penned... Didn't know u guys did ur schooling together.. lovely read

Mr. Balasubramanian Venkataraman - An event in my family

Super write up

Mrs. Rajalakshmi Krishnan - An event in my family

What a memorable events I witnessed is very nice, true, healthy
Raja chance a eilla👌👍🙌😀💯


The following unedited comments and feedback are for the Vaazhai (வாழை): A Cinematic Masterpiece Leaving Audiences Speechless (BLOG_). Click here to read the blog.

Mr. Moulee - Vaazhai (வாழை): A Cinematic Masterpiece Leaving Audiences Speechless

Well written, RajaLi.

I have a lot of respect for your Amma. Though my involvement with her was only for a short few years (87-90/91), I have a lot of respect for her, based on how she raised you all on her own, working at the Post Office (forgive me if I am wrong in this). 


GG only experienced joy when we visited you all. When I was not very profitably employed, for DeepavaLi your mom gave me money and insisted I buy at least a shirt for myself, which I shall never forget. All GG were like her own children. 


Having been raised by this wonderful தேவதை of a mother, you, KaNNa and Sumathi were blessed with nothing but the best qualities, such as kindness, compassion, etc., with which I have seen you all shine. 


I am not in the least surprised that this movie had a profound impact on you. I can say this with confidence as the words written here are heartfelt and I consider this பகவத ் ஸங்கல்பம். | God Bless 


The following unedited comments and feedback are for the கனவில் வந்தவள் அவளோ? Was it that lady in my dream? (Kavithai). Click here to listen.

Mr. Raj - கனவில் வந்தவள் அவளோ? Was it that lady in my dream?

Raja as usual you nailed it...
When I started playing the ominous back ground made me think 'oh no what happened' as i continued felt coming out of the fog. you narrated your kavedhi wonderfully shows your poetic skills.


Enjoyed as usual. By the way the story says Kannanaga irundhu Raja Ramanaga mariya kadhai kavedhi vadivil

Mrs. Lalitha Vasudevan - கனவில் வந்தவள் அவளோ? Was it that lady in my dream?

நன்று  ராஜா. முதலில் கொஞ்சம் Suspence ஆக இருந்தது. இரண்டு வரிகளை கேட்டதும் அவள் ராஜியாக மட்டும்தான் இருக்கும் இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று இருந்தது. கனவில்  காதலித்த ராஜி தற்பொழுது உன் மிக அருகிலுள்ளாள்.


அவனள நூற்றாண்டு காதலித்துக் கொண்டேயிரு.காலமெல்லாம் உன் காதல் வாழ்க. நீங்களிருவரும் இன்று போல் என்றும் மாறாக் காதலுடன் உங்களின் குழந்தைகளை வழி நடத்த அம்மா அப்பா  கடவுள் மற்றும்  உங்களுக்கு நெருங்கிய சொந்தங்களின் மனம் நிறைந்த  ஆசிகள் தொடர்ந்து கிடைக்கட்டும். 
My best wishes.
Vazha Valazham Nalamudan 😊✋🤚


Mr. Kanna (my brother) - கனவில் வந்தவள் அவளோ? Was it that lady in my dream?

Well crafted and elquently narrated poem with so many twists and turns. I somehow felt I also shared some parts of the dream.... maybe this poem took me to Dreamworld and made me at least 6 minutes and 9 seconds younger (which is the duration of this narration).


Mr. Mani - கனவில் வந்தவள் அவளோ? Was it that lady in my dream?

Nice rendering Raja.
Sweet dream. Lovely poem. Loving couple. Can’t ask for more.👌 I am sure that visuals will add more beauty to this poem.


The following unedited comments and feedback are for the Kurumbugal Palavidham - குறும்புகள் பலவிதம் - உலகில் முதன்முறையாக ஒரு பலகுரல் தமிழ் கவிதை (Kavithai). Click here to listen to it.

Mr. Radhakrishnan - Kurumbugal Palavidham - குறும்புகள் பலவிதம்


Come out very well overall. Hats off to your efforts of voice change to suit all characters. 
Impact: Took me to those times when one really experienced all these and relived the memories. That way this wonderful creation serves the purpose of bringing much required humour, aptly, without taking too much time. All of which will help one relax and enjoy, and importantly appreciate your great effort in mimicry.

My humble Suggestions for your kind consideration:
1. The joke about spilling ink on bus and the reaction, i think, reduces the “higher “ tempo of the overall creation. Sounds too soft and doesn’t create that much “impact” like the other episodes.

2. The part about the mama and making fun of the “sikai” May be removed/replaced with another piece (non controversial).
The above are my immediate, first hand observations. Hope they make sense. Shall try to review again later and see if there are any further observations worth sharing. 

Regards for your abilities and Best Wishes.

Mrs. Lalitha Vasudevan - Kurumbugal Palavidham - குறும்புகள் பலவிதம்

வணக்கம் ராஜா

பாரதியையும் உன் அன்பு நண்பனையும் நினைவு கூர்ந்தது மிகவும் நன்று இக் கவிதையில்
எல்லாக் குறும்பும் ரசிக்கும்படி குறும்பு செய்துள்ளாய்
நான் மிகவும் மனம்விடடு சிரித்த குறும்புகள்
முதலில் உன்  creativity  

Next natural baby's  voice 
Sleeping  in class room &
Telephone conversation 

உன் குறும்பை ரசித்தேன் சில நொடிகள்.  இன்னும்  கொஞ்சம் குறும்புகள் செய்திருக்கலாமோ என தோன்றியது.
முடிவில் உன்னை பாசத்துடன் உச்சி முகர்ந்து அருகில் இருந்து உன்னை வாழ்த்தவில்லையே என்ற பெருங் குறைதான்.
எங்கிருந்தோ உன்னை வாழ்த்திக் கொண்டிருக்கிறார் .

வாழ்க வளம் நலமுடன்

Mr. Mani - Kurumbugal Palavidham - குறும்புகள் பலவிதம்

நல்ல தமிழ் ராஜா. முன்னாடியே சொல்லிட்டேனான்னு தெரியலை. தமிழ் அதிகம் வாசித்திராமலே இவ்வளவு வார்த்தை சரளத்துடன், ஓசையுடன் எழுதுறீங்க. தமிழை இன்னும் வாசித்திருந்தால், ருசித்திருந்தால்??

குறும்புக்கவிதைக்கு இப்படி குரல் மாற்றி வாசிக்க நினைத்தது நல்ல யுத்தி. உங்க குரல் தானா மூன்றுமே?


என்ன மென்பொருள் அது? பின்னணி இசை, சிறப்பு சப்தம் சூப்பர்.


Mrs. Monny Kannan - Kurumbugal Palavidham - குறும்புகள் பலவிதம்

Of course it was not only new but also the best of your previous creative works, though it was done with technical support. Initially i felt some discomfort in the clarity of the baby's voice. But it was cleared with your subtitles.

Just a suggestion, if you kindly permit... If possible let it be little more clear, so that every one, young and old without your sub titles.


My apologies if the above suggestion  went wrong somewhere. On the whole everything goes nice in your new effort.

Well wishers - Kurumbugal Palavidham - குறும்புகள் பலவிதம்

குறும்புகள ் பலவிதம்...




அழகாய், பலகுரலில் படைத்த படைப்பு,

அருமையிலும ் அருமை.... .


Hats off sir 


Mrs. Priya Radhakrishnan - Kurumbugal Palavidham - குறும்புகள் பலவிதம்


Excellent raja voice modulation was fantastic.  Enjooyed listening. It was PERFECT CHILD VOICE. SUPERB SUPERB RAJA. KUTTI KUTTI COMEDY WAS VERY




A very very very very good gift by your best friend Gururaj I think. Start to end was  vvvvvvv engrossing. 👌👌👌👌👌👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍👍

Mrs. Rajalakshmi Krishnan - Kurumbugal Palavidham - குறும்புகள் பலவிதம்

Very very excellent and kubbir sirippu kavidhai

Super lyrics👏👏


Mr. Rafi - கண் இருந்தும் பார்வையற்றவர்கள் நாம் - We are blind with vision​​

Good morning everyone.
My friend and a multi talented person, lover of Arts and writings...
Today sent this...
Hope our Radiance Kitchen is a Home made gift.. Go thru this.
Encourage him by your
comments. and You can visit his Gallery in net in your free Time.
Don't mis his Gallery.

அருமை.. அருமை.


Mrs. Lalitha Vasudevan - கண் இருந்தும் பார்வையற்றவர்கள் நாம் - We are blind with vision​​

வணக்கம். ராஜா கவிதை எப்போதும் போல நன்றாக இருக்கிறது."  மீன் குஞ்சுக்கு நீச்சல் கற்றுதர தேவையில்லை.

சங்கத்தமிழ் மூன்றும் தர தும்பிக்கையான் பாதம் பணிந்து வேண்டுகிறேன். பல்லாண்டு வாழ்க வளம் நலமுடன் 💐✋🤚😁

 அன்றாட வாழ்க்கையில் இதெல்லாம் சகஜமாகி விட்டது.ஒவ்வொருவரும் திருந்தினால்தான் இவ்வாரோக்கிய சீர்கேட்டை ஒழிக்க முடியும்.நாம் நதி போல ஓடிக்கொண்டிருக்க வேண்டும்.


இக்கால கட்டத்தில் உணவகங்களை தவிர்க இயலாது.நிறைய நகழ்வுகளை பார்த்தும் குருடர்களாக ஆக்கப்பட்டோம். நாம் செல்லாமல் இருப்பது நல்லது முடியுமா?!​


The following unedited comments and feedback are for the Death is very cruel - மரணம் மிக கொடுமையானது - A Tamil kavithai on human life cycle (birth/death) (Kavithai). Click here to listen to it.

Mr.Mani - February 2023 - Death is very cruel

வாழ்க்கை நிதர்சனமும், கவிதையும் சுடுகின்றன ராஜா.

அடிக்கடி நான் நினைத்துக் கொள்ளும் மனித வாழ்க்கையின் வட்டப் பாதை, உங்கள் கவிதையின் கரு. ஒன்றுமில்லையிலிருந்து வருகிறோம், ஒன்றுமில்லாமல் போகிறோம். நடுப்பட்ட பயணத்தை அப்பட்டமாக பதிந்திருக்கீங்க.


பெற்றோரை நினைக்காமல் ஒரு நாள் கடப்பதில்லை எனும் பிள்ளைகளுள் நீங்களும் ஒருவர் என்று தெரிகிறது.


பெற்றோரை இழந்த யாவர்க்கும் இந்த வாழ்க்கைக் கவிதை சில நாட்களுக்கு மெளன வலியைத் தரும்.


கடைசியில் அனேகருக்கும் முடிவு இப்படித்தான் என்று சொல்றீங்க. புரியவில்லை. விதிவிலக்கின்றி எல்லோருக்கும் தானே?


நீங்க அப்படி எழுதும் போது உங்களினுள் ஓடிய எண்ணம் எனக்கு எட்டவில்லையோ என்னவோ

My Chithi (Mrs. Lalitha Vasudevan) - February 2023 - Death is very cruel

எப்படி ராஜா இது. ரொம்ப ரொம்ப நன்னா இருக்கு.

இருட்டும் வெளிச்சமும் என்ற தலைப்பை மாற்றி பிறப்பும் இறப்பும் என்ற தலபை்பு கவிதைக்கு சரியாக இருக்கு. மறக்க முடியாத இக்கவிதை நாளை  உன் பிறந்தநாள் அ்ன்று நீ வெளியிட்டால் நன்றாக இருக்கும் என்று நான் எழுதியதை கோலாவில் சிலர் ஆமோதித்துள்ளனர்.


நாளை வெளியாவது உனக்கு மறக்க முடியாத கவிதையாகும்.
நம் பிறப்பு இருட்டிலிருந்து (தாயின் கருப்பை)  தாய் தந்தை உற்றார் உறவினர் மகிழ வெளிச்சத்திற்கு வருகிறோம். இறப்பு என்பது எல்லோரும் துயரப்பட நாம் எதுவும் அறியாமல் அனலில் வெந்து சாம்பலாகி அதுவும் தண்ணரில் கரைந்து போகிறது. எனக்கு கண்கள் குளமாகிறது. ஒன்றும் சொல்லமுடியலை

நாம் வாழும்போதே எல்லோருடனும் அன்பாக வாழ்ந்திட வேண்டும்,மரணம் என்பது நிதர்சனமான உண்மையாக இருந்தாலும்,நாம் அதை ஏற்க மறுத்து விடுகிறோம், ஏற்க முடியவில்லை.

யாருமே இருக்கும் போது அவர்கள் அருமை தெரிவதில்லை,தெரிந்தாலும்,அதை நாம் பாராட்டுவதில்லை,இதுதான் உலக வழக்கம், மனித இயல்பு.

மரணம் என்று ஒன்று நிகழும் போது தான், அவர்களை இனிமேல் பார்க்கவோ,பேசவோ,தொடவோ முடியாது என்று உணரும் அந்த நொடி,அந்த வலி தான் நெஞ்சை கிழிக்கும்.

அந்த வலிக்கு ஈடு இணை இல்லை, இவ்வுலகில். அன்பு ஒன்றே இவ்வுலகில் நிலைத்து நிற்கும்,ஆதலால் நாம் அன்பை மட்டுமே கொடுப்போம், பெறுவோம் ❤
@ராஜா, நிறைய மரணம் பார்த்தாச்சு, இனிமேல் no sad கவிதை 🙏🙏
என்னுடைய தாழ்மையான வேண்டுகோள் 


ராஜா  background pictures  ரொம்ப  ரொம்ப நன்னா இருந்தது.நிறையவே கடுமையாக இந்த கவிதை வெளி கொணர உழைத்திருக்கிறாய்  இன்னும் உன் கவிதை பெருக்கெடுத்து ஓட வாழ்த்துகள்.


இது எதார்த்தம் இதை அனைவரும் உணர்ந்துதான் இருக்கிறோம் ஆனால் எப்பொழுதும் நம் நினைவில் இருப்பதில்லை


இவ்வுலகத்தில் பிறந்த அனைத்து உயிரினங்களுக்கும் ஏனா செடி கொடி மரம் எல்லாவற்றிற்கும் இந்த மரணம் தப்பிக்க இயலாது.  நிறையவே இக்கொடிய மரணத்தின் வலிகளை.அனுபவித்தாச்சு.உணர்ந்தாச்சு. என் பழைய வலிகள் நினைவிற்கு வந்து கண்களை திறக்க முடியலை.


இனிமேலாவது மகிழ்ச்சியான கவிதைகளை உன்னடமிருந்து எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன். Best


wishes take care.Vazha vazhalam nazhalamudan.✋

Mrs. Yamini - February 2023 - Death is very cruel

Awesome kavidhai once again , cycle of human life from birth till death. Our parents role neatly defined and how they turn into as our children when they grow old.


Saying final goodbye to our parents in the form of death is the ultimate harsh reality one has to face and we need to be prepared to deal with it at any cost

Great piece of work, wonderful topic to touch upon , best wishes for the final output

Wonderful visuals and excellent bgm depict the real meaning of ur kavidhai , kudos to ur awesome work , well done. Nice to see so many comments overflowing with emotions.

Mr. Raj - March 2023 - Death is very cruel

Hi Raja when you mention the name for your kavidai as “Death is very cruel” I thought you are going to bring up Garuda Puranam or something in that manner after listening to it “it’s like a whip to my thought”.


Man you are too good. Among all the kavidai this is the best one. It really hit me hard and made me cry. What a way to explain our life cycle. Some of us we totally realize what parents did for us and we didn’t do even 1% for them in their old age.


I really don’t have words to express.. Your editing and audio mixing added the value to your kavidai and complemented very well. Your are brilliant in using wonderful choice of silhouette images to match the wordings.


Your sound quality is really good I think you really deserve a studio microphone I am so happy that I want to gift you a studio microphone set for this great piece of work.


Looking forward for more kavidais….

Mr. Rafi - February 2023 - Death is very cruel

Very very NICE.

SUPER WORDS, Timely picturization, Apt clippings, Super Shilhoutte pictures.
      Touching the Heart,
    Bring my Mother and Father in my Thought,
    Real words of life..
    No one can escape in this world.
     Saved in my folder..
    Subject matter is such a Boulder...
    Thanks God for this life...
     Saved us from bitter part of our life.

 Felt the Hard work, Raja did...
   My appreciation and everyones... will wipe that Tiredness.

Hatts off Mr RAJA Sir,


   God Bless you and All.

  Every one have an end,
   But your poetry will Shine Ever.

I'm closing this now, as I have to read this wondeful presentation once again now.



Mrs. Monny Kannan - February 2023 - Death is very cruel

Very touching poetic expression of your pain regarding the death of one's parents. Hammer blow to the attitude of the current group of children who neglect their parents in their old age due to their second childhood stage which are well explained in your poem.


As rightly mentioned inyour narration, they true forget that old age and death are awaing to invite them too. As usual you've done a very good job. Your poem will definitely sooth those parents of such children.            


As a person in the social field, i come across many old age singles and couples irrespective of caste, creed and status.            


I wish this shoul be published by some means. 👌🤝👏🙏

Well wisher - February 2023 - Death is very cruel

What a lovely poem which makes you to close your eyes and picture the great time/s one had/having with their parents and reflect on them.


I can see the a lot of effort has gone into this effective poem especially some of pictures fades in some places and blends with the context. Well done and am very proud of you.

Well wisher - February 2023 - Death is very cruel

Excellent effort raja...I can feel your thoughtful expressions. Good job bro 👏👏👏

Well wisher - February 2023 - Death is very cruel

In my view since the birth is uncertain till the day we come out, probably that's why we celebrate that day as our birthday 


Mr. Ravi - February 2023 - Death is very cruel

Great Raja, a very thoughtful, sensitive & insightful look at life. You have minutely delved into the aspects of birth, death & the heartwrenching experiences we undergo in the process of living. Your choice of words in Tamil also stand out very well. Enjoyed it thoroughly. 👍🏻👏🏻👌🏻

In continuation, if you allow me, you may want to look at life from another dimension also. Our vedas & shastras bring out this fact that the ultimate reality is to be free of the cycle of birth & death. You may perhaps go into this spirituality in your next epistle. 🙏🏻



The following unedited comments and feedback are for the A LADY WHOM I ADMIRE - நான் கண்டு வியந்த அந்த பெண்மணி (Kavithai). Click here to listen to it.

Mr. Ramalingam - July 2022 - A lady whom I admire

It was too good
Worth waiting for the same

Picturisation was excellent
Your audio was beyond description viz clarity
Sharpness of voice and the speed of presentation 
Each and every word could be appreciated

Hats off to you

I am very proud that I have a friend who could present kavithai like this
Looking forward to see and listen to such kavithai


All the best

Mr. Raj - July 2022 - A lady whom I admire

Raja as usual I am amazed with your Kavidai. This Kavidai really touched my heart and thanks to the WONDER WOMAN for her grate heart and service to the animals.


In this crazy world everyone busy with our own selfishness, people like her bring the balance to this world and sets an example to others to say there are more in our life than ourself.


Once again thanks for the great Kavidai and for her generous service to the vai illa gevangal.

Mr. Radhakrishnan - July 2022 - A lady whom I admire

Thank you so much.

It was a unique experience watching and listening. You have Done “poetic” justice. 👏👍🤝
The mix of visuals, feast to the eyes,  and the audio has good overall impact, a good exhibition of your imagination, creativity, passion for  poetry, and overall good taste for audio-visuals.


This should be well received by one and all.

Thanks once again for sharing.
Regards and Best Wishes.

Mrs. Lalitha Vasudevan - July 2022 - A lady whom I admire

வாக் போனோமா வந்தோமனு இல்லாமல் எந்தளவு அப் பெண்மணியின் செயல் உன்னை பாதித்திருக்கு் என்பதை உணரமுடிகிறது அத்த னை கால்நடைகளுக்கும் அவள் தாயுமானள் கடவு் மனுஷ்ய ரூபேனா என்பார்கள் எல்லோரையும்  தனித்தனியாக பார்க்கமுடியாது என்று உலகில் தாயை படைத்திருப்பாக சொல்வார்கள்


இது எவ்வளவு உண்மை என்று இப்பெண்மணீயை பார்த்தால் உணரமுடிகிறதுஅவளின் இப்பணி தொடர இறைவன் நல்ல நலத்துடன் வளத்தையும் அரள பிராத்திக்கிறேன் மேலும் உன் நெகிழ்சியான மனததை உளமார வாழத்தி வணங்கிறேன்


வார்த்தைகளே வரவில்லை மனம் மகிழ்கிறது உன் கவிதை பார்த்து நன்றி


Mrs. Monny Kannan - July 2021 - Shell fishing (underwater beauty)

Very nice personal experience along with your well explaining combination of wordings. Grand children
* got excited seeing the video though they couldn’t understand the risk factors that are explained in it.


For them it was a wonderful scoop diving. Could you please share with me this video in WhatsApp?!? So that I could forward them to their iPads to enjoy when ever they wish?!?  Sorry,if my request might put you in trouble. Just ignore and forget please… extraordinary video with very simple words but brought heavy feelings  realising the risk.🤩👍👌👏🤝

Superb response. What a gesture. Happy to be your  acquaintance. Proud to see such a creativity in whole of your family. Really a blessed family. Wish your glories reach their heights.

Really a very good dedication. On seeing your video with the poem everyone would feel to salute those people.


Thanks 😊 🙏again for sharing

Mrs. Monny Kannan - October 2021 - Why did I feel GUILTY? - பூங்காவில் நான் கேட்டது என்ன?

Really very poetic and self criticising… but the puzzle 🧩 is where arised the guilt feel in you ?!? and for what reason.? After all you have not slowed down your speed of walk or stopped in between to overhear them. Then why?!?

Everything you happen to hear was just a cross talk. Even I get disturbed if I happen to hear anything and that’s one of among the two reasons why I’m badly trying to get a suitable 🎧. One thing - no disturbances and the other no feel of tiredness how long you walk listening to some good music either instrumental or melodies .

Your wordings and their alignment are really very interesting and poetic for the current generations who are not aware of good profile Tamil language. Really good effort.

Mrs. Monny Kannan - January 2023 - The Golden Gang - A tale of eternal friendship - நண்பர்களை பற்றிய கவிதை

No words to congradulate. As expected, it has come out very well. The efforts taken is well portrayed. Really a neat, decent and elite presentation. Thank you for sharing. 🤝👏👌

How lovely...! No words to say, the video, the backgroud musiç.... very melodic... nothing more other than a big big Wooooow..!

Mrs. Monny Kannan - January 2023 - Ammas 1st anniversary kavidhai (poetry) - அம்மாவின் நினைவுநாள் கவிதை

Really very sensitive and emotional tribute. It would have reached your mom's soul wherever it rests or resides.

Mr. Mani - July 2021 - Spectacle vs Face mask: மூக்கு  கண்ணாடியும்  முக  கவசமும்

😀😀👍👍Face mask with specs is a real pain. You have perfectly put down the inconvenience in the kavithai. Yes, with the usage of mask, it is very unfortunate that we have to deny clean air to our body in this survival war. 

Mrs. Monny Kannan - July 2021 - Spectacle vs Face mask: மூக்கு  கண்ணாடியும்  முக  கவசமும்

Nice narration with pleasant pictures presentation. Went really well.

I enjoyed your Tamil Kavithai for you’ve covered almost all discomforts in using the face mask and the benefits of using the spectacles. I need to congratulate you for your good efforts 🤝👍👌

Thanks for your diplomatic gesture 🙏. You could have thought about people who ought to use the glasses for their short sight demands when they couldn’t see the objects or alphabets beyond a particular distance depending on their issues connected with.


For them wearing both together in times they need to move out- the breath out hot air from the nostrils and hit back by the mask and get deposited over the glass as vapours forming a screen,so that it becomes very difficult especially for old age people.

If that discomfort could also be included then your Kavithai to me is just a big wow 😮 😯 🤩 …! Sorry if I’ve gone crossing the limits.

Mrs. Lalitha Vasudevan - March 2022 - இவர்களும் கலைஞர்கள்தான்  - They are artists too...

ரொம்ப அருமை இவர்களைப் பற்றி சிந்திக்க ஒரு காமராஜர் போல் ஒருவர் உருவெடுக்க வேணாடும் ஒரு நிமிடம் அவர்களை பார்க்கும் பாது அடிமனதில் இந்த எணணம் தோன்றுகிறது அவர்களை கடக்கும்போது நம் எண்ணமும் கடந்து போகிறது எப்போதாவது நம் கையில் இருப்பதை கொடுத்துவிட்டு எனனால் முடிந்தது இவ்வளவுதான் கடவுளே இவர்களையும் காப்பாற்று என்று வேண்டி  கணத்த இதயத்துடன் வந்து நம் வேலையைப் பார்க்கிறோம்


மறு முறை இக்காட்சியை  பார்க்கும்வரை இந்நிகழ்ச்சி மனதில் வந்து போகும் நம்மால் இதுதான்முடியும் வருத்தப்படல் மட்டுமே

Mr. Mani - July 2022 - A lady whom I admire

​ஒரு அன்பு உள்ளத்தைக்
ஒரு அழகிய கவிதை 👌👌
ஒரு இடத்தில் நாய்களைத் தவிர பின்புலத்தை கருப்பு வெள்ளையாக காட்டியிருக்கீங்க 👍
வேகமான சுய நல மனிதர்களை 4x play பண்ணியிருக்கீங்க 

Mr. Mani - August 2022 -  Pencil sketching

Nice Raja.


I can imagine the feeling of satisfaction you get whenever you finish drawing something. Maybe the you might also feel like the people or creatures in the drawings are talking to you. You are gifted. 👍

Mr. Mani - January 2023 - The Golden Gang - A tale of eternal friendship - நண்பர்களை பற்றிய கவிதை

👌அருமை ராஜா. நட்புக்கு ஒரு கவி பாடிட்டீங்க. அவங்களும் நம்மின் ஒரு பகுதி போலத்தான். உங்கள் நண்பர்கள் நெகிழ்ந்து போவார்கள். எனக்கும் 39 - 43 வருட நண்பர்கள் மூன்று பேர் இருக்கிறார்கள்.

Mrs. Yamini - January 2023 - The Golden Gang - A tale of eternal friendship - நண்பர்களை பற்றிய கவிதை

Journey of friendship is always special esp when it lasts this long thr all ups and downs, so bringing it in the form kavidhai is beautiful and thoughtful evoking special memories for all involved

The title itself, goes without saying anything proves the worth of ur friendship , so hats off for maintaining and living upto it

Its going to be an eye opener for this gen kids where everything including relationship is fast paced and breakups r common

Mrs. Priya Radhakrishnan - January 2023 - The Golden Gang - A tale of eternal friendship - நண்பர்களை பற்றிய கவிதை


Hello raja some time back watched and enjooves your Awesome kavithai. Atale of eternal friendship. 

Very very very interesting engrossing and touching too. Voice music and all the photos from childhood to adulthood amazing. 


Great Raja. Amazing friendship Raja admire your golden gang.The way you Narrated is Awesome.

GOLDEN GANG - January 2023 - The Golden Gang - A tale of eternal friendship - நண்பர்களை பற்றிய கவிதை

Excellent Raja…idea of bringing this video form is incredible…. It’s an asset to all of us… nicely worded, brilliantly focused & well articulated… thank you GG

This tribute and the meticulous compilation of this audio visual is truly like a BIG BANG of one and only .... THE GOLDEN GANG. Well done Thambri🙂🙂🙂

Superb Raja...Great effort in putting things together...regret that we did not save our memories as photos earlier...with available resource you have done this video exceptionally well...kudos raja 👏👏🙏🙏

Great effort Raja. Well compiled nostalgic memories in the form of photos & accompanying beautiful lyrics. Indeed a tribute to GG, courtesy your creativity. Wonderfully done. 👍🏻👌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Thanks for sharing. Its very touching and well Expressed, taking one back memory lane. One of the highlights of this composition is that anyone can easily relate to the narration as in some ways their own experience too, and hence appreciate this that much more Lastly, reminds of the famous song," Andha Naal nyabagam nenjile vandhadhe. ​

Mrs. Lalitha Vasudevan - January 2023 - The Golden Gang - A tale of eternal friendship - நண்பர்களை பற்றிய கவிதை

ராஜா நன்று நன்று உன் கவிதை

உன் தங்க கும்பலுக்கும்
உனக்கும் என் மனம் நிறைந்த ஆசிகள்

உன் நித்தியமான நட்பு
நாம் எல்லோரும் அன்புடன் இணைந்திருந்ததுதான் நினைவில் நிற்கிறது

நட்புக்கு இலக்கணமாயிருந்த 
உன் தங்க கும்பல் வாழ்க வளம் நலமுடன்

இந்த பதிவு ஒரு அழியாத அழிக்க முடியாத ஒரு நித்யமான நட்பின் காவியம் அல்ல காப்பியம்

ஆம் நீ தேர்தெடுத்த  தலைப்பு
வாழ்க உன் கவித்திறன்
வளர்க உன் தமிழ் தொண்டு💐👑👌👍

Photos are very NICE! Cute GANG !!
Good BOYS !!!
One is like Actor AGITH !!!!
One is like RAVI !!!!!
(Soroja mamis son)
One is like MANOG !!!!!
(Dir. Bharathirajsas son)
One is Very GRATE!!!!!!
(Pasamalar Anna)
And you are SAGALAKALA VALLAVAN) No chance I

I enjoyed your friendship journey.

I wish your friendship journey. Vazha your " GOLDEN GANG'

Mr. Radhakrishnan - July 2021 - Amazing but TRUE: அதிசயம் ஆனால் உண்மை


Thanks for sharing. Very touching. Interesting to note that the appearance of the Bird has been happening at important phases in your life, as if to keep alive the memory of not only the moment when your dear mother gave that memorable interpretation but also the memory of your dear father.

Mrs. Monny Kannan - July 2021 - Amazing but TRUE: அதிசயம் ஆனால் உண்மை

This could be the best I should say in your collection which truly made me to text back with tears sheds. The best in every way- music, video, perfect matching pictures, specific words combination and above all your voice modulation. Chance less🤩👌👍👏🤝🙏.  


Love you as a son of a mother😍. Thanks 😊 🙏  again for sharing. Hoping that the same will be posted in words format soon….


Be blessed and be sure your mom also will visit you with her husband.​

Mrs. Lakshmi Chandramouli - July 2021 - Amazing but TRUE: அதிசயம் ஆனால் உண்மை

Raja i listened to yr kavithai.
I thought u r good only at drawing
But u have got so many hidden talents within u
Bring them all out and shiw it to the world.
It is amazing not only yr kavithai
U r also an amazing lerson
Good luck and best wishes

Mr. Rafi - January 2022 - Kudiyarasu Dhinam - Republic Day kavidhai

Heard your Republic day Kavitha.   Very Nice.  But I think it is repeated more times.  If slightly fast will be better.   Just my suggestion.  👌🏻👏🏻👏🏻💐

Well wishers comments - Dedication for my mother (amma) - அம்மாவிற்கு பிறந்தநாள் கவிதை

Raja it was really very emotional & touching kavidai rendered by u. So beautifully u have expressed ur attachment & feelings towards ur mother is par excellence. I became very emotional while hearing ur narration. Ur mother was Blessed to have such a wonderful son

Very touching & well compiled. 

Kannile kanneer Vara Vachuteenga sir, Your mother will be always With you 


Just finished seeing it with my Mom Very emotional and nostalgic too Ur words had a powerful impact while seeing the visuals 

Beautiful tribute to ur Mom, a great soul indeed. The last day's events narrated till her last breath, very emotional one 

The solace you get in this soliloquy is wonderful and kindled memory to think of my mother I was not present when she passed away and not present even my father passed away first much earlier 

Hi Raja, Really touching..the way you have narrated, reflects how much you love your mother.. For sure, you have her blessings life long

Really stuck for few mins... Let her peacefully live with her husband and bless the family. It's hard, but try to digest this phase and calm down 

Deep... Very deep... Moved

A painful memory to go thru. Hope god make all of you to come out of this irreparable loss 

This is brilliant! Great work please send the entire videoI would love to watch

A wonderful son god gifted to ur mother

Very very very very touching kavithai very very emotional too. Loss of words to express my feeling on hearing and seeing this video. Very very blessed MOTHER AND SON. 


Thanks for sharing such a touching and emotional expressive farewell poem, Raja. Very excellent work. Your mom must be hearing this from somewhere and bless you all 


Raja! I just couldn't hold my tears when u had when I heard your touched my heart and I am sure like me everyone who have lost their mother would have related to their mother as well while hearing the poem.l am sure she will definitely hear your poem since it has come from the core of the heart of her beloved and obedient son. It is very difficult to Express about such a loving relationship with mother and son but Raja you did great job


I totally agree that its very difficult to drive words out of emotions which you did & you are blessed that you were with your mother still her last breath and definitely you will have her blessings 

பெற்றோர்களின் அன்பும் ஆசீர்வாதங்களும் எப்போதும் நம் கூடவே வரும்.... நம்மை வழி நடத்தும். "நான் உன்னை விட்டுப் பிரிவதும் இல்லை, விலகுவதுமில்லை" போன்ற வாசகங்கள் எவ்வளவு அர்த்தமுள்ளவை இது போன்ற நேரங்களில் தான் புரிகிறது இல்லையா.

அன்பே உருவான அம்மாவுக்கு அன்பால் உருவான மகனின் உருக்கமான சமர்ப்பணம். அருமை. அம்மாவை அத்துணை போற்றி, கடைசி வரை அன்புடன் கவனித்து குறையறா மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் அவங்க நாட்களை கடக்க வைத்தீர்கள். நல்ல அம்மாவுக்கு, நல்ல மகன் மற்றும் மகனின் குடும்பம். பெரியவர்களின் அன்பும் ஆசீர்வாதங்களும் தான் நம்மை நல் வழி நடத்துகின்றன. "நீ என்பது என்ன, உன் பெயரா, உடலா, உயிரா"ன்னு "மாற்றம் ஒன்று தான்" பாட்டில் வருமே அதில் சொல்வது போல உங்களின் ஒவ்வொரு நல்ல செயலிலும் அம்மா தான் இருப்பாங்க ராஜா.

No you haven't portraying mother in kavithai Nadia is great I read it with tears great soul I couldn't do good service to my parents as I was born alone and fed with golden spoon........ wouldn't know what is passi that was history.......

Very touching Raja....Could visualise the pain you have gone through

If anybody would like to receive the video in full please message me. There seems to be some minor breaks if watched through whatsapp status...thanks. Really i cried sorry unable to console u

Romba nalla irukku...heart touching... 

Outstanding Raja. I had my tears for her and you all

Wow excellent one da.. summa Illada... I don't know my tears were rolling down.. I too love my mother very much and my father and mother both are still staying separately and she still


Listened to your kavithai
Never knew that you could write such a beautiful kavithai
It is because it is on your mother
Very touching and moving
She is a great lady and must be blessed to have you as son
You are also lucky to have such a great mother
Please ensure that she is kept happy
Do not miss a single day to keep her happy Best wishes
Hats off to your mother
You can always depend on me for anything
We may be apart now physically
but I will always be there for you


Heart touching, well expressed your deep love mother. No words to say how best the narration is.

Very well expressed love with great regards and respect
Really very nice


Fantastic Raja. 
Your mother's blessings is always there for you and all.

I know that Raja is a great artist but don't know that he is great poet. Very nice.


Anna hat's of you Anna what a wordings it touched my heart and tears thrown from eyes and recollected my father. Anna you given the best presentation of your mother
No words tell Anna, i understand your agony well because i came across the same situation in my father's last breath. You are really great Anna

Full of emotions no words from me. I pray God for all your wellness


It is so touching. I never knew you could write so well. I could v well relate to my feelings. Pranams

I wrote about my parents on their anniversary last year hoping that she would become this year but God had different plans. Good for her, not for me or us

அற்புதமான அமுத வார்த்தைகள் மகிழ்ச்சி


அம்மாவுக்கு பிறந்த நாள் கவிதை சமர்ப்பணம் அருமை. அருமையான குடும்பம். நாங்கள் அடிக்கடி நினைவு கூர்வோம் உங்கள் குடும்பம் பற்றி. மனம் போல் வாழ்வு. வாழ்த்துக்கள் ராஜா.

Govindaraja Mama - My daughters (Ramya) first day at school

Subject: Ramya's Narrative "My First Day At School"


Coming to the narrative under the title of "my first day at school" to tell u the truth it really left me breathless literally and if I were to type it, may be physically too I believe.

Oh what a testament for your prowess in becoming a futuristic and also an optimistic writer. My boy, believe me when I say I am much impressed and proud too to see a lad who grew up on my lap and shoulder much of the time, blossoming into a poetic writer. Kudos and many kudos to u.


Going down the memory lane, when u,{Kanna, Raja and Sumathi who slightly had a lesser chance} were infants and kids were much adorable to me too akin to Ramya to u but still I did not get to the chance of making out a classic like this.


I still vividly remember how Kanna was taken to school on his first day to school {vidhyarambam ceremony} in a open car with flower decked and all the mela thalam and Nayanam surrounded by a number of relatives and friends, but then there was no Raja in me to write on behalf of Kanna, unlike for Ramya the ravishing Regina the lucky girl. I am sure she will cherish and nourish it as a treasure on her own moments in her life.


Well I am not a Shakespeare and then you are not born in Yorkshire', so I loved every bit of your narration, perception and above all the imagination. WOW!


There goes a couplet from Thirukkural:

Amizhdhinilum aarral inidhe tham makkal Sirukai alavia koozh."


That is it, even the messed up porridge/gruel by our Kids hands will taste sweeter than Nectar.We learnt, experienced and enjoyed it and now your turn to Yearn it. I could visualize too your jubilation when you heard from the Head of the Institution saying about the organizational and management skill' of our Ramya the Regina.


What a way to present an everlasting gift to one's child in a way narrating a story on her/his 'first day at school', which I am quite sure will and shall be cherished closest to her/his heart when they



The following comments are for my ART gallery

D'r Mr. Raja
How r u? I'm fine here. I have just now finished visiting u r art gallery and I must say that I was fortunate enough to view one of the best pieces of art collections in one place. It really seems to be endless and makes interesting viewing.


I liked all the paintings and in particular the Watercolour paintings and the Pencil drawings fascinated me a lot. I was also mightily impressed by the Origami artwork. "The Twilight" was the one that capped them all. I think that to say they were "Out of the World" would be a gross understatement. They say that the best always personify the maxim "Vini Vidi Vici". How true indeed!


Expecting more from u in the future. Here's Wishing u and all the members of u r family a very happy and prosperous New Year.

Keep in touch
Bye for now

dear raja,
hai how are you, i have browsed you gallery, it really cool and good, i can appreciate
you talents and creative especially shilpa and sleeping beauty.
with regards sekar


Managed to view your work (not all of it but few). Your talent is just out of this world. For obvious reasons I saw Baba's picture that you have done. You must have had him so close to you in your thoughts while you were trying to put him on paper. Did a good job. He looks a bit chubby though.
Swami is everything for me.
See you soon.


Your art of gallery is very nice esp the Telecom Fiji one and the water color one
Wish you all the best for more better galleries. How about you sketch one of yours It would be more nice to see Raja. Not kidding......
you got more new one about PNG, its nice to see those too.

Hi Raja:
Got your mail and had a look at the photos. They are absolutely fabulous. Some of them like Diana, Shilpa, and a few more are excellent. They just depict the original image. Great work. Thanks for the mail.
Bye for now,

Same here yaar! I had a glimplse at your art gallery and all i
can say is 'superb stuff man. I still remember a few of those paintings especially the Lord krishna, other side of raja (doggie which i think is your main side !!!) and the one titled 'passion'.
will keep in touch



Well, you have a gifted hand and gifted mind, treasure it. Your art and messages were truly captivating and
just right to kindle the imagination of the viewer. Well I would like to have a painting done of my mum, there
is no time limit. 

If you can do it for me, I shall treasure it.
Thanks Raja,

Dear Raja,
Thanks for your mail and noted the contents.I could log into your website later on Saturday and Wooow.!! its fantastic. You are really a great artist. You could easily contribute to tamil magazines..
Those days (college / early marriage) I used to pencil copy magazine pictures (Eg:by 'Maa.Se', 'Aras..', 'J',.ramu..') when I had a lot of spare time. (now impossible). Recent artist is 'Padmavasan'.. You could easily be part of this group.

While I couldnt go into all the rooms..the "Diana" picture was superb. I am also an ardent lover of 'Karnatic Music' (to the extent that I hardly listen to film songs - I only enjoy those few melodeous ones which have a carnatic base) and Maharajapuram Santhanam is my favourite (all time greats).

Looking forward to see/hear and enjoy more of your talents.


With best wishes
Kasturi Rangan

Dear Raja,
How are you this morning? Thank you for forwarding your gallery web add. It was full of jems. I liked every painting in the gallery and the highlight former PM of Fiji. It is as good as a Photograph. I am proud that god has given you the gift of art in your fingertips.


I also wish and pray for more success in your pencil touches.
Good luck.


Will catch up latter. bye - 
Regards - Murali Manohar

Dear Raja

I appreciate that you gave me the honour to browse through your art gallery.

I would say that it was indeed a nice piece of work however i would be also analysing it critically. Before that, I have found your work to be quite imaginative, which of course is expected from a artist like you. I have known you for quite some time and therfore I have a fair idea of your capabilities in art work. I believe that you can even do better than this piece of work if time and initiative permits. I wish you all the best.


Critically analysing your gallery, one of the important thing to consider when giving a piece of work, a public approach is to bear in mind that the presentation is very important. Your presentation was exceptionally good but if you visit the gallery, some of the written text has been blurred by the coloured border on the right hand side. The blurring causes some strain to the person to make out what some words are and that is a drawback to the gallery.


Bear in mind that the more presentable a piece of work, the more appreciated it is.

Another thing I would like to point out is that when giving a formal presentaion it is important that you abstain from using slangs such as (x-landlady), usage of words such as former landlady is more appropriate.


I have not visited the favourite sites yet due to time constraints but if there is any thing to be pointed out I will be obliged to do it.


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