On the 5th of March 2024, I got the following WhatsApp message which said, “Sorry for the delay sir, I had been to the BJP rally yesterday (04/03/24) at YMCA to meet our Prime Minister Modi Ji”. Yes, this was the humble excuse I got from my water can and milk vendor (Sundar) when I asked him for a water can which was to be delivered on the 4th.
Happy with his prompt response, I told my wife that the water can will be delivered by Sundar tonight (05/03/24). We discussed briefly on Sundar’s reply and considered it very genuine because there was a lot of hype and enthusiasm for Modi’s visit to Chennai on the 4th of March 2024. Since the Parliamentary elections were just around the corner, there was a massive crowd expected for the rally. We did feel happy for Sundar because he is a very sincere and hard-working person who toils most of the time in our apartment delivering water cans and milk to the hundred flats.
I was even approached by my close friend on the 4th whether I would like to join him to meet Modi at the rally. He was very eager to see Modi at the venue and was so enthusiastic and posted a couple of selfies on WhatsApp wearing the party costume to entice me further. I excused myself convincingly from joining him.
After reading the reply from Sundar regretting the delay, I resumed my chores and commanded Alexa to play some songs by Kumar Sanu to give me some company. Within no time, I got a notification on my mobile phone indicating a new message had arrived. Not so promptly, I glanced at my mobile to see from whom that message had come.
Well, I was just awestruck when I saw the photos sent by Sundar in succession to the regret message that he had sent a few minutes earlier. Yes, I indeed shouted in excitement to see Sundar meeting our Prime Minister Modi one-on-one. He sent me two photographs of himself greeting the PM in such a close range.
I was so excited for a few reasons. Some of us feel so proud and happy even if we take a selfie with a News reader, Singer, TV artist, or any celebrity for that matter. Now, here I am seeing a very common and unassuming man (Sundar) who had this elite opportunity to meet the world’s most famous personality, our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It was indeed so intriguing for me to know the circumstances that led Sundar to get this rare chance. I also immediately tried to introspect myself whether my understanding of Sundar was correct for the so many years I had known him and also made me think if I had underestimated him at any time.
I proudly showed the photo to my family members and all of them could not stop raising their eyebrows and asking how was this possible, and what is the real background of Sundar? Personally, to me, those two photos just elevated the respect I had for this guy instantly, and wanted to immediately call him and congratulate him. I immediately sent him a flurry of congratulatory messages for his achievement. In a couple of hours, he came home to deliver the water can.
I had a brief chat with him about that great moment and he told me that he has been in the BJP party for the last 25 to 30 years and has been working from the grassroots. Today he seems to be holding some position in the party at the district level. He was so humble as always and told me that this is the only party (BJP) where you can see this kind of recognition and get an opportunity to meet a PM even if you are a small worker for the party. I could visibly see the pride on his face and his passion for public service when he shared his experience with me and described the most cherishing moment of meeting the PM one-on-one. Honestly, it made me feel a bit bad when recollecting that I had been boasting for nothing so far with the little opportunities I have had in taking photos with some familiar and prominent personalities.
I thought that this blog would be a very sincere tribute to a guy who is so down to earth and works so hard for his living without compromising his deep love and faith for his political party.